Sentinel Systems Modern Slavery Statement

Sentinel Systems supply and install vehicle safety, tracking and telematic systems primarily for commercial

vehicle OEM’s and aftermarket road transport fleets.

Our supply chains consist of suppliers providing us with raw materials, finished goods and services which are

sourced in the UK and internationally. Our UK manufactured products and systems utilises sub-contract

partners in addition to in-house assembly production.

As a company committed to ethical business practices, Sentinel Systems recognises the importance of

addressing modern slavery and human trafficking in all of our operations and supply chains. We take our

responsibility in respecting human rights seriously with the aim to ensure that our business and supply chains

are free from any form of modern slavery.

We recognise that eliminating modern slavery requires collaboration with our employees, suppliers, and

stakeholders, and to that end we continue to work to ensure that all parties are aware of our commitment to

ethical business practices as follows:

1. Continue to develop and implement policies and procedures to prevent modern slavery

and human trafficking in our supply chains.

2. Conduct due diligence assessments of all suppliers to ensure they meet our standards for

ethical business practices, including the elimination of modern slavery.

3. Provide regular training and awareness programs for key employees on modern slavery

and human trafficking issues.

4. Provide adequate resources to monitor, prevent and address modern slavery and human

trafficking in our operations and supply chains.

We believe that transparency and accountability are crucial to eliminating modern slavery. We will continue to

report on our progress towards eliminating modern slavery in our operations and supply chains. This will

include our efforts to assess and manage modern slavery risks, and any incidents of modern slavery or human

trafficking that we have identified.

We encourage all employees and suppliers to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery or human

trafficking in our operations or supply chains. We have a zero-tolerance approach to retaliation against those

who report concerns in good faith as set out in our Whistleblowing Policy.

Sentinel Systems is committed to the elimination of modern slavery and human trafficking in all of our

operations and supply chains. We will work tirelessly to ensure that our business practices and supply chains

are free from any form of modern slavery. We recognise that this is a long-term commitment and will

continually assess and improve our approach to ensure that we are doing everything possible to achieve this


This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Modern

Slavery and Human Trafficking statement for the financial year 2022 as approved by the Board Director.

J. Little

Board Director


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